Parking Information
Parking Information
PLEASE NOTE: In order to be considered for a student parking permit as must
- Have the entire application filled out and handed in on time.
- Any student who had a parking permit at any time during the 2023-24 school year, MUST REAPPLY FOR THE 2024-25 school year.
- You must meet of all the criteria contained in this document to earn a parking permit
The Parking Permit Application form must be completed and turned in to Hahnville High School by THURSDAY JULY 11th at 5:00 PM. The completed application must have with it:
- The student’s signature
- The signature of the parent's/guardian's signature
- A completed portion of the Student Participation Verification
- The Parking Rules and Regulations Policy and Agreement with the student’s signature and parent's/guardian's signature.
- A copy of the student’s current insurance information.
- A copy of the student’s driver's license
- If you have a learner's permit and will be getting your driver's license within the first couple months of school, your application can be submitted with a copy of the learner's permit and proof of current insurance for the vehicle you will potentially be driving. When you receive your driver's license, you will be issued a parking spot if you meet the requirements.