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JROTC Homepage

Welcome to the Hahnville High School AFJROTC information page. AFJROTC is an integral part of Hahnville High School. The cadets of LA-933 support many of the school events. A few of these are listed below.

a) Assisting with the beginning of the school years task, i.e. distributing IDs, textbooks, escorting parents and students on campus

b) Providing Color Guards for all home football games & other school events

b) Manning Concession Stands for home football games

c) Escorting, parents, students and other visitors on campus i.e. Open House, Parent/Guardian-Teacher Conferences, Patron Tours

The AFJROTC program was established by Public Law 88-647 (also known as the Reserve Officer Training Corps Vitalization Act of 1964) and can be found in Title 10, U.S. Code, Chapter 102. Instructors are retired Air Force officers and enlisted personnel. The AFJROTC curriculum (explained in more detail on the curriculum page) emphasizes citizenship and leadership development.


MSgt Richard Lochren

MSgt Gene Moll

JROTC Instructors are not recruiters for the military but can assist cadets in Military Careers if parents/guardians request us to. At Hahnville, both instructors have a combined 16 years of Air Force Recruiting.

One of the biggest misconceptions about AFJROTC is that students have to join the military. Actually, nothing could be further from the truth. We as instructors are retired military members not here to be recruiters. We are teachers of Aerospace Science/Leadership/Physical Fitness, a high school elective or PE credit course. 

Missions, Goals & Objectives

The mission of the AFJROTC program is to build better citizens for America. The goals of the program are to instill values of citizenship, service to the United States, personal responsibility, and a sense of accomplishment in high school students. The objectives of AFJROTC are to educate and train high school cadets in citizenship; promote community service; instill responsibility, character and self-discipline; and provide instruction in air and space fundamentals.

Cadet Honor Code

As an Air Force Junior ROTC Cadet I will not lie, cheat, or steal, nor tolerate anyone who does. I will conduct myself according to the provisions of Hahnville High Air Force Junior ROTC Instruction 30-1.

Cadet Pledge

I have chosen to be a cadet in the United States Air Force Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps.  In doing so, I pledge allegiance to the United States of America and the Cadet Honor Code.

I will strive to be a productive citizen of this country for I know in future years I will be one of America's leaders working to uphold the constitution and our way of life.

What does AFJROTC do for Students?
- Teaches organizational skills
- Teaches self-discipline
- Teaches leadership and followership skills
- Promotes patriotism
- Develops integrity and honor
- Teaches improved study habits
- Promotes community service
- Provides information on careers and opportunities after high school (college, work, or the military)
- Promotes graduating from high school
- Promotes healthy lifestyle choices
- Provides other incentives for achievement and personal fulfillment

The curriculum emphasizes the Air Force heritage and traditions, the development of flight, applied flight sciences, military aerospace policies, and space exploration.

The courses taught are:

AFJROTC-1: " Milestones in Aviation History" and "Traditions, Wellness, and Foundations of Citizenship"

AFJROTC-2: "The Science of Flight" and "Communication, Awareness, and Leadership"

AFJROTC-3: "Exploring Space", "The High Frontier" and "Life Skills and Career Opportunities"

AFJROTC-4: "Management of the Corps" and "Principles of Management"

All 4 courses include Physical Training and opportunnities to participate in Team Building Exercises.


AFJROTC requires cadets to wear a uniform similar to the Air Force uniform once a week. Our uniform day is normally on Wednseday. Cadets are expected to wear a uniform that is clean, neat, and pressed. Cadets earn a grade up to 100 points per week for uniform wear.

Uniforms are provided for cadets at no charge, but they must return the uniforms when they are no longer in the AFJROTC program. Cadets who do not return the uniform will be placed on the school's debt list for any items not returned.

Community Service

Cadets participate in several community service projects throughout the school year, totaling hundreds of hours of service. Cadets are expected to participate in at least one JROTC community service event each semester. JROTC Community service projects can be accomplished through school projects, class projects, or other volunteer agencies. Some of the community service events the cadets have participated in the past include:

Alligator Festival (assist with parking), Football Concession Workers, Mardi Gras Parades, Presenting the Colors for New Orleans Pelicans, Relay for Life, Social Concerns (collecting food and clothing), Toys for Tots (distributing toys), Veterans Day Ceremonies, Our own HHS JROTC Haunted House and working with our local American legion and VFW Posts.

All cadet JROTC Community Service Projects must be attended by a JROTC Instructor in order for it to count as a JROTC event. 

In addition, cadets get an opportunity to attend the annual Military Ball, Student Leadership School, and various field trips that encompass military history.