Engineering and Robotics
Engineering and Robotics Club
The HHS Engineering/Robotics Club is an organization that joins students together who are interested in either pursuing an engineering degree in college or has an interest in robotics. If you’re into math, science, and technology, this is the club for you! The majority of the fall semester is spent fundraising/learning about engineering and the spring semester is spent designing and building a robot to compete at the FIRST Regional Event, Bayou Regionals at the Pontchartrain Center.
FIRST Robotics - FRC combines the excitement of sport with the rigors of science and technology. Under strict rules, limited resources, and time limits, our team of students are challenged to raise funds, design a team "brand," hone teamwork skills, and build and program robots to perform prescribed tasks against a field of competitors. It’s as close to "real-world engineering" as a student can get.
Students will:
- Meet and learn from professional engineers
- Design and build a robot
- Learn from peers and build lasting relationships with one another
- Work with adult mentors in a variety of fields
- Outreach to the community to build interest in STEM occupations and robot competitions
Parents are required to register their child for the Robotics Competition. Please follow the link to complete the parent consent form.
Upcoming Events:
- Fall 2020 - Fundraising and Sponsorship Drive
- Fall 2020 - New Member Recruiting
- October - Trunk or Treat Robotics Outreach
- Fall 2020 - Robot Rebuilds and Improvements
- Fall 2020 - Robot Night at Elementary Schools
- Fall 2020 - Mentoring Program for FLL Teams
- January 2, 2021 - Kick Off Day for New Season Competition
- Jan-March 2021 - New Robot Build
- March 2021 - Regional Competitions
- July 2021 - FIRST Robotics Championship - Houston, TX
Follow us on Twitter @Tigerbots2183
Michael Stohlman & Tyler Dufrene (Club Sponsors):
Phone: 985-722-2974