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St. Charles Parish Public Schools utilizes the School To Career Office to Create Career Exploration Opportunities and Future Career Options for students via  

  • Career and Technical Education Course Offerings
  • Highly Valued Industry Based Credential Opportunities (both for Graduation Requirements AND for Work Force relevance)
  • Interactions with Business and Industry Professionals in your classes as well as special interest sessions
  • Specific Career Focused Field Trips
  • Interaction with College and Trade School Admission Specialists

My goal is for students to have as many opportunities as possible when they graduate from Hahnville High School. This begins by facilitating a search for a future career focus and the best steps towards a successful career journey. Decisions made in high school can either limit or enhance future opportunities.

My office is located in A-20. I look forward to working with you!

Hope Barnhill, M. Ed, NBCT

Hahnville High School
Career Development Facilitator
SELU Dual Enrollment Coordinator
SCA Coordinator
Future Ready Committee
Interact Sponsor

School to Career Information

  • Group Job Shadow Opportunities will be announced in the Grade Level Future Ready Google Classrooms and on the Upcoming Events Tab.
    • HHS will be participating in group job shadow events and will schedule individual job shadows upon request.
    • Please note the individual Job Shadow Request form to the left. 
      • If you or someone you know is interested in being a job shadow host, please contact the School to Career office. 
  • Dual Enrollment: SCPPS partners directly with several schools to offer you the chance to earn college credits while in high school.
  • Guest Speakers – Having professionals from the “real world” speak to students is a great way for the students to make a connection with the course work and their future. If you or someone you know is interested in being a guest speaker, please contact the School to Career office.
  • Part-time Job Offerings are posted in the Grade Level Future Ready Google Classrooms.
  • College Visitation Forms – Juniors are allowed one college visitation day and seniors are allowed two college visitation days. Forms are also available in both the Main and School to Career Offices, and must be turned into the attendance office after the visit.