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Principal's Message

The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.”

- Martin Luther King Jr.

Dear families of Hahnville High School,

       Jose Gonzales - Principal

I would like to warmly welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year. As your principal, it is my sincere

pleasure to work in collaboration with our dedicated faculty, staff, parents, and community members as we aim to educate, empower, and encourage our students. We are committed to supporting all students in their development into responsible, empathetic, and enthusiastic life-long learners. Through our embodiment of our core values of growth, integrity, and pride, we encourage all of our tiger family members to "Prepare Today. Thrive Tomorrow." 

My vision for Hahnville High School is one where each student possesses the knowledge and skills to make educated decisions regarding the future, to appreciate the multitude of opportunities that lay before each one of them, and the wisdom to understand their choices in context of a global community. Every child can succeed, and it is the mission of Hahnville High School to encourage students to realize their promise, whether in the classroom, on the field of play, or on stage.

My goal for Hahnville High School is to become an institution where faculty, staff, parents, and community members alike collaborate to make data-driven decisions that are truly done with the essential question in mind “What is best for kids?” The goal is not to just develop students academically, artistically, and athletically, but socially and emotionally as well. For students to have the confidence and integrity to stand up for what is right, make wise decisions in the heat of the moment, and have the self-control and discipline to accomplish their potential is the ultimate goal.

Despite any challenges we may experience, I am confident that through it all, our tiger family has what it takes to overcome and persevere. The HHS Tiger family is fierce; we hold an untamed desire to succeed. Our HHS Tiger family is noble; we strive to exhibit generosity and integrity in all we do. Our HHS Tiger family is strong; we possess an unwavering and steadfast commitment to what is right.

Fierce. Noble. Strong. Together!

Jose Gonzales
Hahnville High School Principal